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The Pacific Northwest was the perfect place for Maria Hart to have been born and raised. It was there among the lovely things that grow that she first sensed the subtle forces around her. She has since continued to observe, admire and commune with nature in its many forms. This includes the Divine's most magnificent of all natural creations: the soul.  


All her life, Maria has been drawn to spirituality and mysticism. But it wasn’t until she was in her early thirties that she discovered she had intuitive gifts. Today she Maria calls herself an “advocate for the soul.” For over two decades she has worked as a spiritual intermediary helping others connect with their higher guidance in order to live happier, more fulfilling lives.


Through her years of esoteric study and communing with spirit, Maria she has come to understand many universal laws and how the soul eternally strives to evolve. She calls this: the soul’s agenda. This powerful spiritual force is at the heart of all our experiences, whether good or bad, guiding us to achieve what our soul has planned for this life.


It must have been all the rain on the rooftops that inspired her introspective thoughts and inquisitive musings. “Why” and “why not” are questions that partner well, if one is seeking to discover new answers. For Maria, like the rain in the barrel, eventually all those insights spilled over into words on the page.


Maria continues to live in the Pacific NW with her three curious cats and one skeptical husband. 

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