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Wake Up to Your Power

“Do my spirit guides have a message for me?” a client recently asked.

“Yes,” I replied. “It’s time to claim your power and share your spiritual knowledge with the world.”

She was silent for a few moments before answering. “But you don’t understand,” she said, “I’m afraid to put myself out there. I’ve had so many past lifetimes of persecution.”

I did understand. I’d been trying to exorcise my own fears from past-life persecution for decades. Only it wasn’t until that moment that I became aware of just how insidious and pervasive that fear has been.

My client is a gifted spiritual healer with a thriving practice in California and is well known in the alternative thought community. She has a husband and family that support her spiritual work. Her life is stable and her future is secure. Yet the thought of exposing her unconventional spirituality to conventional people, filled her with fear.

Like me, she has created a spiritual bubble within an otherwise ‘normal’ life. And to protect that bubble, she only shares her true spiritual identity with a trusted few. Somewhere we both learned that being in the spiritual minority is, well—dangerous. We’ve seen the blank stares and rolling eyes, heard the whispers about voo-doo, the jokes about woo-woo and even been called evil. Can you relate?

If so, then like many other believers of alternative spiritual philosophies, you exist in something of a secret society, sharing your beliefs only with those of like-mind. You are a member of a spiritual order of souls with access to cosmic truths and universal wisdom that could help bring Divine order to the world, if only it was safe to share your beliefs.

But what if a fear of persecution was part of an ancient spell cast centuries ago intended to preserve this wisdom until a time when the world was ready for it? And what if the world is ready now?

The next thing her guide said really got my attention.

“What happened in past lives has no power today. It’s time to get over it.”

After that session, I felt like a piece of me had awoken from a deep sleep. Hearing my client express fears which resonated profoundly with my own, made me realize how irrational those fears were. I won’t be drawn and quartered for being a spiritual medium. I may not be even be ridiculed. In fact, maybe instead of being persecuted, I could be embraced by those seeking to remember what has long been hidden away.

I began to analyze my fears around expanding my spiritual work. Were they rational based on life today, or were they irrational, coming from that deep inner cauldron of past-life fear I knew so well. What I found surprised me, not only because of how much irrational fear I discovered, but how easily I was able to let it go. The advice from my client’s guide to “get over it” empowered me to do so. The spell is broken.

Confirmation quickly came from spirit. It’s not a coincidence that since I decided to let go of my fear, there has been an increase in opportunities to share my unconventional beliefs. Every place from the grocery store to over my back fence, situations with people in need of spiritual knowledge keep coming up. A barista at Starbucks, musing with her co-worker on the meaning of Mercury Retrograde. An agnostic neighbor (who had no prior knowledge of my spirituality) asking my opinion of life after death.

There are soul searchers in every walk of life, looking for something they can sense but not see—that invisible source of love and light that brings meaning and purpose to life. You don’t have to be a spiritual medium or healer to have a profound effect on others. You can just be one of those courageous earthly Angels who opens their mouth to share a bit of wisdom with another human soul, at the perfect time when they can hear it.

The time is now. Whether your personal spiritual journey is old or newly discovered in this lifetime, everyone is waking up to own their power without fear.

What’s next for me? Listen to my intuition more closely and act on it more confidently; ask for guidance and inspiration from my Divine team more frequently; appreciate the presence of spirit more emphatically; walk through the doors that open more positively; own my spiritual gifts and share my insights more courageously; and most importantly, encourage others to “get over it” with me. It’s time to wake up, your power is waiting—and so is the world. © Maria Hart 2017

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