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Magic is in the Air

Miracles are called all kinds of things – coincidence, synchronicity, karma and even fate. I call them divine magic and I see them everywhere.

What are miracles? Are they the work of Divine hands assisting us from beyond the veil? Are they a reward for our good deeds and wholesome living? Or are they simply those fortuitous circumstances that skeptical minds love to explain away?

And what is magic? Is it an act of sorcery? Is it the resplendence of romantic love that the Medieval Troubadours sang about? Or is it simply the alchemical moment when time and space perfectly align and what we desire manifests? I see it this way: Miracles are created through a magical collaboration between humans and Angels. Like any successful collaboration, a miracle requires the willingness of both parties. But unlike most collaborations, willingness does not necessarily involve action. Some of the most successful collaborations between humans and Spirit occur when the human is passively receptive to what the Angel is actively ready to give. Like the story of a woman who was pulled from a burning car by invisible hands.

These dramatic miraculous collaborations occur through the human’s pure desire to live and the Angel’s Divine ability to save them. The unconscious woman in the burning car didn’t have to pray to be rescued—she had already summoned the Angel through her personal desires and dreams for her future life. The Angel just intervened at the perfect time and space to allow her to continue living.

These are the inexplicable events that even the skeptics can’t dismiss. But we are cheating ourselves if we limit miracles to only dire situations. Miracles occur in every size and context and are possible in every moment of every day. Once we become receptive to them, life becomes magical.

I learned this lesson when I was backing out of the garage on the way to a spinning class when I realized I didn’t have a bottle of water. Anxiously, I looked at the clock and saw that I had exactly 12 minutes before class started and a 12-minute drive to get there. No time to grab water. As I continued to back down the driveway, I saw something in the middle of the cul-de-sac—it was a bottle of water. For a moment, I let myself imagine that it was an answer to my small, yet potent desire for hydration through a strenuous hour of exercise—until logic overruled.

“Must be empty. Just somebody’s litter,” I said aloud as I sped away.

When I returned an hour later, the bottle was still in the street, so I decided to put it in my recycle bin. To my amazement the bottle was perfectly, refreshingly and gloriously brand new. Magic!

Still I was disappointed in myself and wondered: How many other miracles had the skeptic in me dismissed?

This realization has stayed with me ever since. I am either a believer in miracles or I am not.

Once I decided to be a true believer, magical occurrences surrounded me. It seemed my Angels want everything in my life to be easier and more fun! Parking spots—no problem. Forgot to pack mascara—found a brand-new tube in the airport parking lot. Wherever I go I feel like a VIP. Everyone smiles, and people go out of their way to help me. And both my cell phone and cable bills are the lowest they’ve been in over fifteen years.

I didn’t learn the secrets to becoming a miracle magician by referencing a big black book for complex potions and incantations, I did something far more powerful—I began to acknowledge the daily miracles that were occurring all around me, giving thanks to the Angels, and asking for more. In time, my inner skeptic’s voice disappeared, and I began to believe that what I wished for could and would come true.

Humans summon the magic when we ask for what we want and then are willing to receive it, and the Angels create the miracle from that. It’s the ultimate collaboration.

© Maria Hart 2019

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