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The Power of Chakras & Emotions

In my last blog, “Coronacrisis: A Spiritual Perspective,” I posed the view that our thoughts and feelings play a major part in shaping our physical reality. In this blog I will go into more detail on that topic, as well as describe how this relates to the current world crisis.

If you were to take an X-ray of a living human body, you would see an image of the physical anatomy; but what you would not see is the subtle anatomy, often called the energy body. Just as a physical life requires biological systems to function, what allows the soul to incarnate into a physical body is an invisible matrix of spiritual systems, which includes the chakras.

Each chakra governs a specific aspect of human experience and they are akin to filters or lenses through which the soul endeavors to express itself. The degree to which soul expression can occur is dependent on the level of emotional development that has been achieved in that area of life. Every individual chakra has corresponding higher-level and lower-level emotions; for instance, generosity and greed would be first chakra emotions, while service and martyrdom are associated with the seventh. Refining and balancing the emotions is how we develop spiritually, and a powerful way to do that is by purifying our thoughts.

Thoughts have an important purpose in the process of chakra development and spiritual growth. Their function is to influence our emotions for good or ill; however, what manifests into our reality is determined by our emotions. From a subtle energy perspective, thinking is related to the physical aspect of our being and feelings relate to the spirit. Negative thoughts illicit negative emotions that then manifest in life situations that reflect those emotions. But there’s an important point to make here. Thinking fearful thoughts about being burglarized may not cause that exact event to happen, but it will produce a fearful situation of some kind, like being a victim of identity theft or discovering your mail was stolen. The point is, fearful thoughts foster the emotion of fear and that will produce a reason for you to fear in real life.

Imagine your chakra system as a loom, your physical reality as a tapestry, and your emotions as the threads that have been woven together to create it. Higher-level emotions may be as fine as silk and lower-level emotions can be as coarse as twine. When woven together they will either create a lovely cohesive work, a drab unsightly tangle, or a combination of the two. In any case, the more refined your emotions the more beautiful your life will be.

This reveals the invaluable benefits of being mindful of your thoughts and what emotions they prompt. Much as we’d like to be happy all the time, there are life conditions and situations that bring forth the opposite. Often, challenges cause us to become overwhelmed, as a myriad of thoughts evoke as many emotions. It can be tricky to separate thoughts and feelings, but it is a worthwhile pursuit. Be honest with yourself and patient, as once you are clear about what you are feeling and why, you are on the way to turning things around for the better.

Think of unraveling an emotionally negative situation, like untangling a tapestry. First, loosen it up a bit to examine what’s there and then work on pulling out those threads that no longer serve you. Seek a therapeutic approach to understanding what purpose those coarse threads are serving and replace them with silken ones when you can. It’s as easy as consciously choosing positive thoughts over the negative—positive emotions will be generated automatically.

Once we recognize how the emotions create our reality, we can begin to understand chakra development. The degree to which the soul can be expressed through each chakra is determined by the state of being or emotional conditions related to the area of life experience the chakra governs. Each incarnation is an opportunity to refine these chakras. When the spirit is able to fully express itself through all seven chakras, we will become enlightened. Until then, we must work on issues related to each of these life arenas to purify the emotions they engender.

The three chakras above the heart (5, 6 & 7) govern our spiritual connection and are feminine in nature; and the three chakras below the heart (1, 2 & 3) govern our physical connection and are masculine in nature. Simply put, we have a higher-nature and a lower nature that reflects our emotions. Lower-nature feelings tend to relate to more tangible, practical areas of life and are rooted in survival, fear and the input we receive from our five physical senses. The higher-nature feelings tend to relate more to intangible or abstract areas of life and are rooted in spiritual inspiration, faith, and the sixth sense—intuition.

The midpoint between the lower and higher chakras, is the heart chakra (4). The heart chakra is where the physical and spiritual centers merge to reflect our state of being. You could think of the fourth chakra as the place your tapestry is displayed—a sort of snapshot of your emotional and spiritual development and thus, how life has come together so far.

There is some critical information to share here. The emotions we experience in this lifetime have been carried forward from our previous incarnations. That’s right, our tapestry is a work in progress traveling with our souls from each time, space and dimensional reality to the next. Our circumstances in life are not karmic punishments or rewards, rather they reflect our state of being and the areas of life we have yet to emotionally refine. Another important point here is that emotions are cumulative. That means that when you feel despair, it’s the embodiment of all the despair that you have experienced in all your incarnations. That’s why it is impossible to bury negative emotions; eventually in this life or the next, they will become so intense that they can no longer be ignored. That’s the bad news; the good news is that the same holds true for positive emotions. Like weaving more golden silk threads into your tapestry, when you feel joy, you increase the presence of circumstances that reflect joy in your reality.

If you are interested in improving your life, the first step is to become aware of what you think and feel. Start by paying attention to your emotions. When you’re feeling ‘good,’ ask yourself: Why? What thoughts am I thinking that make me feel this way? Similarly, if you’re feeling ‘bad,’ question yourself: What thoughts are causing this negativity? By becoming conscious of what you are feeling, and the thoughts involved, you can consciously choose how you want to feel by changing what you think. Experiment with changing a negative thought to its opposite positive aspect; such as, fear to excitement and disillusionment to inspiration. After some practice, you will notice fewer negative and more positive thoughts and feelings. Or for additional assistance, work with a healing modality or counselor trained in emotional empowerment. In time, when you do experience negative emotions, they will feel foreign, out of place, and uncomfortable. Creating the reality you desire is a conscious choice. The more you hone your emotional skills, the more the light of your soul will illuminate your chakras, creating a life of inspiration, fulfillment, joy and magic. A master weaver has practiced their craft and their tapestry shows it.

Chakras & Emotions and the Coronacrisis

First let’s take the notion of random accidents off the table. If you are alive today, you have chosen to be a part of this unprecedented global event. The outcome of this crisis will be determined by the contributions humans across the planet make to the mass consciousness. That means you have an important role to play in how this event plays out.

In light of the abundance of bad news being bandied about, it’s not difficult to imagine how awful things could get. In fact, it is easy to allow your mind to go down those paths of negativity. There are two problems with that. One: When you do entertain that negativity, you contribute to creating that reality in the greater world. Two: Failing to tend to your negative thoughts allows your mind to influence your emotions in a negative manner, undermining your personal state of being and the positive reality that you could have created.

Much as we may be tempted to forget that our souls have incarnated into our bodies on a journey of enlightenment, it doesn’t change the fact that we have. But how can spirituality have anything to do with this coronacrisis? The truth is that the pandemic has everything to do with our spiritual growth. This is the moment of truth, where we either claim our emotional power and exercise our spiritual skill set or we allow negativity to disempower us.

It’s a big ask. Or is it? Everything in the physical reality is an illusion, including the current crisis. When we peel away the façade of real-world circumstances, we discover that we are all facing a spiritual rite of passage. This symbolic journey is a quest for a more balanced, harmonious and compassionate way of life; however, it requires that we leave what we know behind and enter unknown terrain. Will we trust our spiritual compass to lead us though the dark, stormy forest of uncertainty? Do we have the emotional focus to maintain our bearing though we hear wolves howling all around us? And do we have faith that the Angels are awaiting our invitation to guide us safely to this new and better world?

And this brings me to the crux of the issue. If there has ever been a time where Divine intervention is needed, it is now—but remember, the Angels have a greater impact when they are summoned by humans. It is a Universal Law that every problem has a solution, including the current crisis—however, it is through allowing Spirit to intercede that brings about those solutions. Now is the time for spiritual Light Workers to walk the talk. Call upon the Angels, pray for miracles, practice mindfulness, trust your intuition, keep the faith, and practice compassion. Avoid getting sucked into situations that contribute negatively to the mass consciousness and eschew information that promotes anger and fear. Acknowledge that this rite of passage is your initiation into a Divine Order of earthbound souls, here to assist the Divine Feminine to create balance, harmony, and compassion upon the earth. Your destiny just may be to help foster miracles upon this earth—the Goddess’s sacred specialty.

Mara Hart is a spiritual counselor and writer, who describes herself as an 'advocate for the soul.' For over two decades she has worked as a spiritual intermediary assisting people in accessing their higher guidance, as well as, helping them create partnerships with their team of Spirit helpers. Maria believes that when we are in alignment with our soul, we create happier and more fulfilling lives.

© Maria Hart 2020

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